Monday, September 15, 2008

Rush to Help Dems Save Pro-Illegal Immigration!!!!

By Chao Chaoxiang
President of the Shanghai branch of American Secret Society of Illegals
Proudly in America illegally for 12 years, getting two doctorates, one in mathematics, the second in physics.

Dear fellow illegals,

We are in danger again! Congressional anti-foreigner fanatics are trying to pass a law called the SAVE act that would step up enforcement against illegals. Our valiant liberal and Democrat allies are fighting to derail this monstrous piece of legislation but they need our help. Here is the opening paragraph of a Washington Times facist editorial supporting this Gestapo-like bill.

EDITORIAL: Crime, illegals and the jobs magnet

Washington Times

Monday, September 15, 2008

Perhaps no political issue better illustrates how out of touch Washington is than illegal immigration. Polling data shows that Americans overwhelmingly support a tougher stance toward illegals, yet the message does not seem to have gotten through to Congress, where powerful Democratic lawmakers are preventing floor consideration of two major pieces of legislation. One is the SAVE Act, a bill to curb illegal immigration through stepped-up enforcement - in particular, more resources to enable federal, state and local authorities to arrest, detain and eventually remove illegals. The SAVE Act (H.R. 4088 ) is the number one legislative alternative to "comprehensive immigration reform" (i.e., mass amnesty).

Dear ASSI members, you do see how they so cleverly and wickedly phrase their sentences, arguing that Congress is out of touch with the nation because it refuses to get tough with illegals.

We have seen throughout the country, in cities, small towns and entire states, how Americans lack the toughness to deal with our growing wave of illegals spreading over the country, changing the character of the country forever without its citizens having any say over the matter.

The Americans who do oppose us with vigor simply give up hoping that their governments will act and "vote with their feet," moving away to more traditional American sections of the country.

This is what happened to Prince William County, Virginia, located just south of Fairfax County, itself overrun with illegals and other foreigners by the 1990s, whereby Americans had to learn Spanish, Arab, Vietnamese or Korean to function in many areas of the county.

Prince William County WAS America, with only Americans living in it. Yes, it had a large black population who had suffered horribly under whites during the era of slavery and Jim Crow, but they have been prospering with full citizenship rights for 40 years.

Poof! Waves of Hispanics, Chinese, Koreans, Arabs and Vietnamese flooded into the county until by 2003, Hispanics, mostly illegal, made up a third of county. They took over key sections of the economy like construction and turned all emtpy lots into soccer fields, with their parties and numbers keeping Americans who wanted to play baseball or American football off the field.

We all know what happened. The county government passed a law denying many benefits to illegals and allowing police to ask about the immigration status of people they arrested or questioned. Can you imagine their nerve!

Now we go back to the Times editorial that identifies our friends:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has blocked the SAVE Act from coming to the floor for a vote, and it is likely dead for this year. Another bill, which would encourage businesses to use a state-of-the art system called E-Verify to find out whether a job applicant is in the United States legally, has been endorsed by both John McCain and Barack Obama. On July 31, the House voted 407-2 to continue the program. But the ACLU is strongly opposed to E-Verify, and Sen. Robert Menendez, an open-borders New Jersey Democrat, has blocked its passage in the Senate.

We ASSI members must do everything within our power, EVERYTHING, to support Nancy Pelosi, Robert Menendez and other Democrats seeking to keep the floodgates open because as we illegals move to citizenship, we VOTE Democrat.

The editorial, again:

While Congress finds ways to avoid addressing the employment magnet that draws illegals into the United States, the American people continue to be victimized by criminals who unlawfully enter the country. The issue has become a large one in Colorado, where Francis Hernandez, an illegal alien, has been charged with manslaughter, vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of an accident in connection with a Sept. 4 accident in Aurora, Colo., a Denver suburb, that left three people dead, including 3-year-old Marten Kudlis, who was getting ice cream with his mother. Mr. Hernandez, a Guatemalan national, is accused of running a red light in a sport utility vehicle and crashing into a truck. Both vehicles went careening into an ice-cream shop, killing Marten and two women in the truck.

YOU SEE HOW THEY SLANDER US! No Latin American respects red lights or any other traffic signal back in their homeland. To a Latin American male, obeying such signs are a symbol of weakness, of a lack of a strong masculintity.

Why should they crush our souls and force us to obey their stupid laws. That is why American men are so weak and women have taken over this country. The wife says, "No, no, no, stop at the red light. Think of our children." And the American obeys, and we see who is wearing the pants in the family.

It is the same with honor killings among Muslims. Why should the men of Islam have to forego this key element of their religion, their right to kill their own daughters, sisters or mothers, for violating their sense of honor?

The Americans get all upset over this.

And they want we Chinese to simply abandon our 6,000-year old contempt of foreigners! We Chinese consider ourselves to be mentally superior to all races, especially the mongolian whites of this country, the blacks who came straight over here from Stone Age tribes, or Hispanics, who come from generations and generations of illiterates. WE ARE TO CONSIDER THEM EQUAL TO THE HAN PEOPLE! Unlikely.

All ASSI members: ACT! and ACT NOW!

Direct to comments to Dr. Chao Chaoxiang, pictured here, at: ""

Remember all Illegals!

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