Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Latest Outrage-Gov't Denies Citizenship Via Midwives

Our Best Way to Sneak New Illegals into U.S. Outlawed!
Will disgraces such as this never end?
By Helpful Jose

The U.S. Government has had the temerity to deny citizenship to babies delivered by midwives in places along the U.S. Mexican border.

"The State Department is denying passports to people born in southern Texas near the border with Mexico if they were delivered by midwives, citing a history of birth certificate forgeries there for Mexican-born children dating to the 1960s, according to U.S. officials," the Washington Post reported Sept. 9.

Duh! Of course we created tens of thousands of new Americans out of illegals this way! Why not?

It is criminal for the U.. Government to cut off this easy access to Americans.

Here is a picture of sweet, innocent babies recently denied U.S. passports even though they were delivered by midwives in San Antonio and other spots along the border.

All are recent graduates of the Al Qaeda Training School, which they attended immediately after their birth, with all born after 10 or 11 months of gestation, which accounts for their large size.

We urge all members of the American Society of Illegals to write their congressmen and DEMAND that this outrage be overturned!

Here is a lovable picture of another cute baby delivered by midwife. How could he be denied access to the land of his birth!

He needs baby formula and simple toys like bomb components. Please send your contributions to ASSI.
By your humble servant,
Helpful Jose.

Thank you.

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