Saturday, September 5, 2009

Official Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants

Buy it NOW at
for only $14.95

Special Teddy Kennedy, "Godfather to All Illegals" Edition

Buy several for potential illegals in your homeland, among family and friends. Don't the spirit of Teddy die!

He set up the law structure that has completely changed the ethnic make up of the United States to create huge seas of our fellow country for we illegals to swim in.

Please honor Teddy by buying a slew of these books.


Table of Contents

About the Author: Juan Muhammed Kim decides to

“give back” to the Illegal Community by compiling the

secrets into one volume.

Introduction: Value of this book but dire warnings on

what will happen to illegals if they let it fall into the

hands of Americans.

Chapter 1 – Before You Go

Chapter 2 – How to Demand Political Asylum

Chapter 3 – Worry-Free Ports of Entry

Chapter 4 – The Ins and Out of Terrorism in Your

New Land

Chapter 5 – How to File a Discrimination Suit

Chapter 6 – Erecting New, Improved National


Chapter 7 – New Legal Holidays to Reflect Rising


Chapter 8 – How to Marry a Gringa [slang for

American gal]

Chapter 9 – Feminism and How to Combat It

Chapter 10 – Freedom of Religion and How to

Neutralize It

Chapter 11 – How to Form a Business in America

with Full U.S. Government Help, Not Available to

American Citizens

Chapter 12 – Curious Americans Habits You Should

Know About

Chapter 13 – Grease, and Using Grease to Wreck

American Arteries

Chapter 14 – Legal Immigration and How to Take

Advantage of U.S. Timidity

Chapter 15 – Award Winner of Most Arrogant

Immigrants Who Fled to America for Escape Death

but Consider Americans Inferior Humans

Chapter 16 – Renaming a State or Two

Chapter 17 – Worthwhile Goals – Ramadan Police &

Peso Legalization

Afterwards – The amazing discovery of the

parchment of the Secret Handbook in a cave on the

U.S.-Mexico border.

* * *

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ted Kennedy's Illegals' Greatest Friend, Dies

Theodore Kennedy

Shriek in despair, all yee illegals,

Rip apart your shirts, Open up a sore,

Let the blood run red and fast,

Because Ted Kennedy is no more!

Tear up your fake Green Cards,

Smash fists into your chests to make hearts break,

Cut off your hair, paint your faces in black,

Ted Kennedy’s death is alas not a fake.

Teddy held up the fence,

So that we could all sneak through,

Teddy finagled the rules,

So that all our papers seemed true.

Teddy lied to all his fellow women and men,

Promising we wouldn’t overwhelm the country

But really letting millions of us stroll right in,

Collect welfare and cars, all toll fee.

To die: - to sleep,

No more; and, by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. NOT in Teddy’s case!

Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim

Executive Director


American Secret Society of Illegals

The American Secret Society of Illegals (ASSI) announces with profound lamentation that Sen. Ted Kennedy, who led the fight to pass the 1965 Immigration Reform bill that opened up America's borders to tsunami after tsunami of legal and illegal immigrants, has died.

Ted Kennedy is the man who single handedly squashed the white-black balance of the United States, setting it onto a trajectory in which the Third World will soon have a majority, with "white-blacks" pushed into second-class minority.

He knew that he could easily deceive his people, promising them categorically that the 1965 immigration ‘reforms’ would not overwhelm America with non-European, non African-slave, people, and he swore a blood oath that the American racial composition would remain unchanged.

“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants," Kennedy said in a Senate speech back the. "It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

This is, of course, the man who four years later would kick himself to safety from a sinking car and run back to his hotel room, leaving a woman alive but trapped in an air pocket of that car, where she agonizingly asphyxiated.

In retrospect, the mix of immigrants, legal and illegal, shifted dramatically in favor of Latin America and Asia – a fact that Kennedy, in later years, would attribute to illegal immigration.

“That 1965 law was first big thing that that he really drove himself. Since then, he’s been making immigration policy for the country,” says Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington.

In 1980, Kennedy drafted the Refugee Act of 1980, which set up a system to qualify for political asylum consistent with international law. The numbers seeking refugee status – 1.1 million in the first 10 years – exceeded expectations.

He proved himself a craven coward in 1969 when he drove off the Chappaquiddick Bridge that resulted in the death of automobile passenger Mary Jo Kopechne. The car plunged into shallow water, though deep enough to cover the auto. Water filled in. Kennedy couldn’t get out immediately and nearly drowned before he could slip out of car and push his way to the surface. Once on dry land, he headed back to his hotel and crashed, and only later offering accounts that he attempted many drives to save Mary Jo. The fact was that as a child of privilege, Kennedy could think of only himself. Mary Jo found an air pocket and waited for her “knight in shining armor” to rescue her, but axphiated, a horribly painful death, as police didn’t try and find until the next day, because Kennedy never informed anyone of the accident that night.

Kennedy, basing his appeal partially as that of a devoted family man who loved his wife and children, obviously gave over ridding consideration to the blow to his image if news emerged that he had taken a single, drunk woman out of a party on a route that led only to an uninhabited patch of the island, where “parkers” did only one thing.

Expelled from Harvard for cheating on a Spanish exam.

The truth: Kennedy has enabled herds of roaming Muslim Somalis to follow the trail of jobs at meatpacking plants owned by the likes of Tyson Foods, depressing wages and disrupting communities with their refusal to assimilate, filing suits if they are told they can’t pray during work hours or have to remove their robes and head scarves to wear a uniform required for safety.

The first major bill that Senator Kennedy managed on the Senate floor was the Immigration Act of 1965. It was enacted and stood as a major turning point in immigration and civil rights policy because it eliminated discriminatory immigration quotas which favored European immigration, but restricted immigration from other parts of the world. The 1965 Act gave priority to immigrants based on their skills and family relationships. Senator Kennedy also won passage of a bill establishing

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ALERT! Crush Media Coverage of Chinese Violence

ALERT! Prevent Americans from Seeing Chinese Media!



By Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.
Executive Director

All ASSI members have seen the coverage of the outbreak in violence in remote Chinese in which the Han Chinese, the ones everyone thinks of as Chinese, responded.

Thousands of Chinese, many wielding sticks, clubs and knives, marched today through Uighur neighborhoods of the northwestern city of Urumqi chanting "blood for blood'' and singing the Chinese national anthem.

Chinese police and paramilitaries deployed by the thousands struggled to contain escalating tensions in the worst outbreak of ethnic violence the country has seen in years.

The marchers, who appeared to be ethnic Han, the majority in China , were demanding revenge for rioting by the Turkic-speaking Uighurs on Sunday in which 156 died.

``Let the government take care of this,'' pleaded a local Communist official, Li Zhi, who stood on top of a van, shouting through a bullhorn.

When he continued, "Han and Uighurs need to live in harmony,'' the crowd jeered him.

These "Uighurs," pronounced "Hui-gaars" are the same ethnic Muslims of the three terrorists who were released from Gitmo and sent U.S.-paid paradise to the Bahamas. Remember the pictures of those smiling bearded guys floating in the surf!

The pictures by the media elite were cleverly designed to change American opinion about the whole war on terror. Look at these jolly bearded men, so happy to be free - how could the U.S. military ever accuse them of being terrorists?"

We refused to give them back to the Chinese. Now, apparently, these same Uighurs went on a rampage against the Han Chinese and killed more than 150 of them.

And you know what? The Chinese govt did not call for a commission to investigate what horrors the dominant Han Chinese committed against the Muslim Ulghurs as dumb Americans have done time after time in their history.

Instead, the Han Chinese attacked the Ulghurs in a fury!

Look at this frightening picture of the Han Chinese going after the immigrants!

Just think if Americans got the idea that they could pick up clubs and run us out of their country.

Yes, I know you're laughing. That is a ridiculous idea. Americans have been too tamed and cowered to ever speak up about the immigrants in their midst taking over their country.


Thank goodness we don’t have to fear that from the meek Americans. The danger could come from recent Legal immigrants who have become U.S. citizens and don’t want to share the country’s bounty with us.

That is why everyone must call the local media and national media and demand that they halt all coverage of this violence so we stifle the possibility of this idea.



Remember, if you know fellow countrymen who want to come on over and enjoy the illegal fruits of this fat and complacent land, buy them a copy of THE OFFICIAL SECRET HANDBOOK FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, buy on

go here:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Supreme Court FireFighter Decision

Total Outrage!!!!!!!!!!

The Supreme Court Rips to Shred Minority Rights
All Illegals Must Join with All Minorities

By Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.
Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals (ASSI)

June 29, 2009, will go down in the annals of American Justice as one of the top outrages EVER!

On the this date, the U.S. Supreme Court tipped the scales of justice FOREVER against minorities. It had the gawdawful temerity to rule that whites, ugh, Caucasians, those of the devil blood, have equal rights to minorities!

How could this ever happen. To wit:

The Court ruled that if a test for advancement was absolutely race neutral, such as the test for advancement in the New Haven, Conn. Fire Department, and a whole lotta white guys passed the test and very few blacks and only a few more Latinos did, then, THE RESULTS CAN COUNT!!

This is another example of how the race traitor Clarence Thomas provided the deciding vote in the 5-4 decision to overturn the Court of Appeals upholding of the New Haven government's decision to throw out the results of the test, because they feared, RIGHTLY, lawsuits from minorities.

Oh, my nerves tingle at how much we Latinos and blacks could have wrung out of New Haven juries, where blacks and Hispanics form the majority of the inner city population.

Even worse, this decision might threaten the Supreme Court nomination of Hispanic diva Sonia Sotomayor, whose mind has been fruitfully twisted to hate every white MAN in existence.

Here the threats: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday said the Senate needs more time to review the record of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor after new material surfaced from her time with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.

“Just a day or so ago, we discovered that there are 300 or so boxes of additional material that has just been discovered from her time working with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund,” McConnell said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

“The committee needs to have access to that material and time to work through it so we know all the facts before we vote on a person who is up for a lifetime job,” McConnell said.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to take up the nomination on July 13. Republicans have complained bitterly about the timetable for considering the nomination. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is aiming for a floor vote before the Senate breaks in August.

Sotomayor served on the group’s board of directors from 1980 to 1992. Conservatives opposed to her nomination have seized on a 1981 memo signed by her and two other directors of the group, which is now called LatinoJustice PRLDEF. In it, the directors argued against reinstating the death penalty in New York state, making the case that capital punishment is racist because it is disproportionately imposed on minorities.

Look at the face of this Hispanic angel. You can just see how she would smile down at the rights of we illegals and would give the thumbs of of disapproval of digging up the grave of George Washington and burning him as a slave owner, of taking away the citizenship of every soldier who fought in the war of 1848 against Mexico.

It is up to all Latinos, Hispanics, legal and illegal, to start writing and calling their senators and threatening the most grevious consequences if they fail to convert Sonia.

Sonia has shown over and over and she detests the white race and YET THE IDIOTS STILL SUPPORT HER!!

That is why the American Secret Society of Illegals has been able to flourish these past few decades and why tens of millions of illegals from Latin America, Africa, Middle East Asia and even Europe have poured into America.

The boomers of the 1960s are hell bent on destroying their country. They hate the bravery and fortitude of the Founding Fathers who risked their lives and sacred honor to go up against the greatest empire the world has ever known, defeat it, and then write a Constitution to protect people from an overpowering central government.

Self-hating liberals beginning in 1933 began the long process to undermine and eventually sink the Constitution. America is nothing more than a mob democracy now, but rulings such as today give hope to the people who want to restore the Constitution.

We must fight hard to back Obama. He needs and loves Sonia as the picture shows.

She is another peg in the long fight to destroy this hated Constitution that protects the rights o the individual.

Can you imagine the danger we would be in if members of the military actually recalled the oaths they took upon joining to "uphold and defend" the Constitution? OMG!

They could actually take practically the whole House of Representatives, the Senate and most of the Executive Branch and rightfully arrest and jail them as traitors who in fact betrayed their own oaths to uphold the Constitution.

Barack Obama has promised to extend amnesty to all of we illegals, who will then register and vote Democrat, cementing a permanent liberal mobocracy that will destroy 250 years of American constitutional rule and end this rotten "last, best hope for humanity."

All of we illegals, once legalized, will then be able to bring over 10 to 20 "relatives" who will then be immediately legalized and ordered to vote Democratic.

We must act before the those who believe in the Constitution remember what Thomas Jefferson said, that the Tree of Liberty must be fertilized regularly with blood.

Barack Obama's promise today to gay and lesbians that he will overturn "don't ask, don't tell" in the military was another nail driven into the back of the armed forces, so that their will to resist the forces of enlightenment will seep out like the blood from the mouth and nose of that Iranian devil woman who dared to walk the streets in protest against the Iranian regime.

This Supreme Court decision must be derided as the mindless musings of old white men, and one black lackey. We must not permit Americans who still might rally to the banner of liberty to comprehend its true meaning.

You must join with liberals to shout down any American who might summon up the courage to discuss this decision. It is our crucial duty to act before Americans realiize what is happening to them!

Thank you,

J.M.K. Esq.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Emergency Session Set!!!

Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.
Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals
1601 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Suite 666
Washington D.C. 20001

I am happy to report that negotiators for the two factions within ASSI have now arrived in Washington D. C. and negotiations are expected to begin in earnest on Saturday, after Muslim prayers.

The issue is well know to all ASSI members.

Now that we are on the verge of all becoming legal thanks to President Obama, may the blessings of Allah be upon him, two of our most, uh, diverse, and, oh, vociferous groups, are demanding that ASSI's position on one of the hottest issues of modern society be settled immediately, even before the Immigration Reform Act is passed that will allow us each to bring in 10 to 20 relatives, in keeping with Democratic aspirations to cement a permanent liberal majority.

Since this is a secret site open only to ASSI members, we can talk openly of our contempt for the stupid Americans who invite us into their country that we will take over.

Before we do that, we must settle the question of whether marriage must be only between a man and a woman, or whether two people of the same gender can marry.

Now I, as executive director of ASSI, believe that the gulf is not so wide that we cannot bridge it.

The Muslims are demanding that not only all homosexuals and lesbians who want to get married be executed publicly after Friday services, but that all such people be executed even if they don't want to be married.

The Pink Wing of ASSI, of course, demands the right to marry and they have a slight aversion to the execution option that the Muslims offer.

These are minor, very minor differences.

Representing the Muslims are the honorable Muhammed Azzis Hussein, left, and Abdul the Camel Jockey Rajid, right.

These two estimable gentlemen will negotiate with me, and I trust, with the Pink Wing representative, the very famous and honorable Mr. Perez Hilton.

Mr. Hilton has kept his commitment to attend the negotiations even with the greatest story in Hollywood in a decade, the death of Michael Jackson.

This is a picture of Mr. Hilton.

Mr. Hussein has already had to be restrained once from "gutting Mr. Perez for the pig he is" and we urge both sides to remain calm as the negotiations get underway.

I will bring you news daily of the talks.

Thank you. Kisses to all ASSI members from Dr. Juan!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Emergency Session!

Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq., Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals
1601 Pennsylvania Ave N.W. 20001

We will hold an emergency session of ASSI on June 26, 2009 to discuss the proposal tabled by the Islamic Brothers of ASSI to execute all ASSI homosexual members who wish to marry.

Gay Paree division of ASSI strenuously objects.

The two sides are of nearly equal members.

This is not just an academic debate.

With the coming "immigration reform" of the great President Barack Obama, may the peace of Allah be upon him, both Muslim and Christian, we illegals are about to achieve our goal of all 42 million of us already here (how assiduously our supporters in government have downplayed our true numbers) will achieve legal status and immediately register, as ordered, as Democratic voters.

Once we do that, according to the agreement, the second part of the legalization will go through and we will all be able to bring in all of our brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents, and even in some cases, uncles and aunts, and cousins, cousins, cousins. Practically anyone we designate!

And they also will register as Democrats and faithfully pull the lever for Obama and his allies, assuring a permanent liberal Democrat majority in this country.

Even the Democratic Americans are too limited to understand that we within 10 years we will have 150 million former illegals and their allies as American citizens and able to write any law that we want, when we will begin putting native Americans first in the reservations that we long ago proposed for them, in Alaska and the far north Midwestern states, and finally expulsion.

But, shhhhh, not a word to one of our illegal advocates!

That is why we must have an emergency meeting to resolve this dispute between the Muslims and the homosexuals, to try and arrive at a dispute that won't split ASSI apart.

We will hold the meeting starting June 27, probably, given the difficulty of all arriving in Washington D.C. in time.

We will keep you posted.


Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009





By Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.

Executive Director, American Secret Society of Illegals

1801 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC


PHOENIX (Reuters) – A new strain of flu has stirred a heated debate in the United States about immigration, an emotional topic that is never far from the surface in this country of migrants.

I am here to tell you the truth. The Swine Flu hysteria is a last gasp attempt by the anti-illegal racists to try and stem the tide of Hispanics that are rightfully taking over the stolen territory of California and much of the rest of the Southwest.

So-called ‘illegal’ Hispanics are continually spreading out to the rest of the Ununited States as well, where they will soon form a majority bloc with many other illegal nationalities, including those most warlike of people, the Canadians.

The CIA, I can report authoritatively, has sown swine flu over the Mexico City area with crop dusters in the secret CIA airlines, Swine Airways.

Here is a picture of CIA pilots getting their final orders to carry out the first attack.

It has worked magnificently by stirring up anti-Mexican fears.

It has been the American Secret Society of Illegals, or ASSI, which lobbied successfully to get both the United Nations and then the U.S. government to change the name of this flu away from pigs to the innuculous designation consisting of letters and numbers.

We have identified the top three conspirators. In the first photo.

CIA deputy director of operations George Bancroft in on the left, and Mexican station chief Rudulfo Juarez is on the right. Notice that both are WHITE! E’nuf said.

We have been able to nip this panic in the bud but we must expect ever more desperate measures to halt the flaw of illegals, now that Obama has halted raids on employers that welcome illegals, and Obama is putting final touches on an immigration reform plan that will half of us voting Democrat by 2010 and the rest by 2012 – all illegals, not just Hispanics. Illegals from Australia, Britain, Poland, Romania, Canada as well as from Asia and the Middle East.

The Swine Flu panic has given us an idea of how to increase our numbers vastly.

We will lease planes from South American airlines and fill them with Hispanic with parachutes, fly low into the United States to avoid radar, then “sow” the land with illegals by dropping them near major cities all along the border in the United States. Love live the American Secret Society of Illegals!!!!

‘Closed the Border’ advocate Hector Alvarez, a legal Hispanic who became a U.S citizen and then betrayed his people, will no longer be involved in any anti-illegal activities.

As the accompanying photo shows, he “opened himself up” to us for re-education.

May the Ununited States of America live a long life!

Viva los Ununited States of America! Viva! Viva!

 To illegals only: You are permitted to buy at a special sales price: ”The Official Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants. Only $14.95 on Amazon, versus the $500 we charge in other countries. See:

Monday, March 9, 2009



Pancho Villa Border Story-Excuse to Smuggle 10,000 Illegals

Pancho Villa rides again in U.S. border town

Dear Illegal members: We pulled another fast one on the stupid Americans last weekend. We organized a "celebration" of Mexican Revolutionary War guerrilla general Pancho Villa's raid on a New Mexico town back in 1916 that killed several Americans.

Present day Americans were idiotic enough to think this was something that was worth "commemorating" and they agreed that Mexicans would send a recreation of Pancho's "army" and Pancho himself. Of course, we used this border crossing permission to get 10,000 illegals across the border!!

We kept telling dumb Border Patrol agents that they were members of the actor's group to portray Pancho's army. Pretty good, hah.

We laugh all the way to the Welfare Office to open our new accounts.

Thank you, America!!

By Tim Gaynor
Saturday, March 7, 2009; 2:51 PM

Pancho Villa COLUMBUS, New Mexico (Reuters) - Scores of Mexican riders, some dressed as bandits and toting sabers, trotted across the U.S. border Saturday to remember a raid by Francisco "Pancho" Villa that left 18 Americans dead and this dusty U.S. frontier town a smoking ruin.
The riders crossed the border in an annual commemoration of bandit-turned revolutionary Villa's bloody attack on Columbus, New Mexico, during the Mexican Revolution in March 1916.
The reenactment is organized by historical enthusiasts from both sides of the border, and draws hundreds of tourists and residents who gather to watch and hold picnics.
Villa raided the town in reprisal for the U.S. government's support for his rival, the nationalist government leader Venustiano Carranza.

His gun-toting pistoleros crept into the streets under cover of darkness, attacked the U.S. Army garrison here killing 10 soldiers and eight civilians, and torched adobe and timber-framed homes across Columbus.
"Today we come in peace, we have no guns," said Narciso Martinez, 57, a rancher from the Mexican state of Durango, dressed as Villa in a pith helmet, cravat and spurs, and twirling a saber above his head.
"We come in a spirit of friendship, love and the love of God," he added in Spanish, moments after crossing the border from the gritty town of Palomas, Mexico.
Villa's raiders looted stores, stole machine guns and ammunition as well as horses and mules before running for the border and refuge in revolutionary Mexico. Sixty-seven of his men were killed out of more than 500.
Outraged by the raid, the U.S. government dispatched an expeditionary force of 10,000 troops in a failed bid to capture Villa, who had dispersed his insurgents and vanished.
Concern over violence along the U.S.-Mexico border has flared again in recent months, as the Mexican government struggles to curb drug cartels that have killed more than 7,000 people since the start of last year.
The riders commemorating Villa's attack were met at the border early Saturday by Luna County sheriffs' deputies, as well as scores of U.S. riders, some dressed as bandits, others as U.S. cavalrymen from the era.
They trotted a few miles up from the border and rallied at a park in Columbus, where hundreds of local residents and visitors swayed to a mariachi band and held picnics in bright sunshine.
"The border is a violent place, but this brings us together," said Francisco "Chito" Flores, a construction worker from the town who turned out to enjoy the event with his family.
"It's our way of turning violence into friendship."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Buy "Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants"

We have decided to allow non-members of the American Secret Society of Illegals to buy 
The Official Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants
224 pages of great advice and tremendous offers, ranging from "How to File Your First Discrimination Lawsuit" to the contact information for the law firm Boomer, Skyhigh and Kingdomcome, which specializes in helping misunderstood undocumenteds mis-charged with a terrorist crime.

Regularly, $200.00, we have a special price of $14.95 plus $3.00 S&H via media mail for $17.95.
Priority mail has a full price of $21.95.


"Vee have Vays of making you TALK!!!!!!!!!!!"

Price includes book at $14.95 plus various shipping and handling prices, the differences coming from what the Postal Service charges - and we should know. A fair number of us transfer to its easy ways after gaining residency.

U.S. media mail plus book: $17.95


U.S. priority mail plus book $21.95


To Canada Only plus book: $24.95


Rest of World - Sorry, the Postal Service charges for every overseas load as if everyone was shipping pure gold. No beneficial rates for intellectual property for books, alas. Book plus air postage: $26.95

Saturday, February 14, 2009

NY Times Cries Over 'Deported' Anchor Babies

By Juan Muhammed Kim
Executive Director

The American Secret Society of Illegals


We once again applaud the New York Times for the silliest headline of the century regarding their intense desire to bing in as many illegals as they can:


Published: February 13, 2009

“100,000 Parents of Citizens
Were Deported Over 10 Years”

Can you actually believe those fools expressing such crocodile tears over the illegal immigrant parents of children born in the United States being deported and taking their anchor babies with them?

The first sentence of the times story says it all: “WASHINGTON — Of nearly 2.2 million immigrants deported in the decade ended 2007, more than 100,000 were the parents of children who, having been born in the United States, were American citizens, according to a report issued Friday by the Department of Homeland Security.”


Sure, illegals love having a family just as much as citizens and legal immigrants, but the overwhelming reason to have a child born in the good ‘ole gullible U.S. of A. is to “anchor” the family here, hence the terms for the snot nosed brats.

Only the far, far, far, faaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhh left such as the soft, flabby and pink reporters and editors of the New York Times can turn around and quote a Bronx Hispanic congressman as saying: ““If they took their children back,” he said of the deportees, “then technically we deported an American citizen.”

Oh, we are so cruel, the Times wants legal citizens to believe, and we applaud the Times for ignoring a relevant fact we hope Americans never discover: only two nations in the entire world of 215 or so countries confer automatic citizenship on babies of illegal residents.
The USA is certainly the biggest sucker in the world on this.

It would just take a law passed by Congress and signed by the president to change this practice, but our beloved lefty allies have convinced their fellow Americans that it is a sacred constitutional right to confer citizenship on the babies of illegals.


So ridiculous. The New York Times knows perfectly well that the U.S. practice of giving citizenship is an unbelievable privilege but they flail American guilt with the whips of their words to keep the yahoos in line so they’ll never, never ask the question we fear the most: “Why the hell do we give citizenship to babies of illegals?”


Read and join:

Buy for your neighbors who want to come on over and partake of the largress of Americans, just buy on



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stimulus Plan Provides Billions to Illegals


Great News for All Illegals!
The Democrats Came Through for Us ...
Just as They Promised Us.

From Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq. PhD
Executive Director
The American Secret Society of Illegals
Great News for All Illegals!
The Democrats Came Through for Us ...
Just as They Promised Us.

"Happy days are here again"

We present here to dear fellow members of ASSI the fantastic news that the Democratic stimulus package holds a lot of goodies for immigrants, legal and illegal.

Here is the first two paragraphs of that article with rest down below.

Jan. 29, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) - The $800 billion-plus economic stimulus measure making its way through Congress could steer government checks to illegal immigrants, a top Republican congressional official asserted Thursday.

The legislation, which would send tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple, expressly disqualifies nonresident aliens, but it would allow people who don't have Social Security numbers to be eligible for the checks

Illegals throughout the country and future illegals have poured out into the streets to sing and praise the deeds of our dear dumb Democrat friends in Congress and in the White House.

“Happy Days Are Here Again”

So long sad times
Go long bad times
We are rid of you at last

Howdy gay times
Cloudy gray times
You are now a thing of the past

Dr. Muhammed Kim: “Isn’t so wonderful that America now has a solid majority of, oh, 52-55% in favor of lying back and let the government provide, in the style of European “soft” socialism. It doesn’t appear to be a nasty government, but, oh, just try to go against the grain!

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here agai

Dr. Muhammed Kim: “The amazing thing is that these stupid liberal citizens think they’ll be the ones lying back in ease as the more agile and risk-taking citizens who earn the top 40% or so of income will provide the federal tax dollars to support all of their programs. NOT SO! We are pouring into the country in such great numbers, with amnesty coming soon that will give us voting rights, that we will reformulate the tax system so that all native citizens pay taxes. NO EXCEPTIONS, NO MATTER HOW LITTLE YOU MAKE! To support us. YES!

Altogether shout it now
There's no one
Who can doubt it now
So let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone
There'll be no more from now on
From now on ...

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So, Let's sing a song of cheer again

Buy on for only $14.95
Over 200 pages, 50 of them satiric advertisements (Documents 'R' Us!) and timely advise on how to file your first law suit of discrimination against Americans