Thursday, June 25, 2009

Emergency Session!

Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq., Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals
1601 Pennsylvania Ave N.W. 20001

We will hold an emergency session of ASSI on June 26, 2009 to discuss the proposal tabled by the Islamic Brothers of ASSI to execute all ASSI homosexual members who wish to marry.

Gay Paree division of ASSI strenuously objects.

The two sides are of nearly equal members.

This is not just an academic debate.

With the coming "immigration reform" of the great President Barack Obama, may the peace of Allah be upon him, both Muslim and Christian, we illegals are about to achieve our goal of all 42 million of us already here (how assiduously our supporters in government have downplayed our true numbers) will achieve legal status and immediately register, as ordered, as Democratic voters.

Once we do that, according to the agreement, the second part of the legalization will go through and we will all be able to bring in all of our brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents, and even in some cases, uncles and aunts, and cousins, cousins, cousins. Practically anyone we designate!

And they also will register as Democrats and faithfully pull the lever for Obama and his allies, assuring a permanent liberal Democrat majority in this country.

Even the Democratic Americans are too limited to understand that we within 10 years we will have 150 million former illegals and their allies as American citizens and able to write any law that we want, when we will begin putting native Americans first in the reservations that we long ago proposed for them, in Alaska and the far north Midwestern states, and finally expulsion.

But, shhhhh, not a word to one of our illegal advocates!

That is why we must have an emergency meeting to resolve this dispute between the Muslims and the homosexuals, to try and arrive at a dispute that won't split ASSI apart.

We will hold the meeting starting June 27, probably, given the difficulty of all arriving in Washington D.C. in time.

We will keep you posted.


Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.

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