Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No Reason to Sweat Growing Anti-Illegal Hysteria

Stay Calm Please, in Response
to Growing US Anger at Illegals

By Juan Muhammed Kim
Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals

In response to a burgeoning wave of concern among ASSI members about the Arizona law against illegal immigrants and overwhelming support for it among native Americans, I have decided to respond to assure everyone that President Obama is handling the situation sensationally and we have reason to fear that this bitter hostility against us among citizens will have any long term consequences.

Here is the genius of the president’s broad strategy. He kicked it off two weeks ago by making a major speech calling for so-called broad-based immigration reform. This is a code term for amnesty to one and all, my dear fellow illegals. Our friends in the mainstream media put those numbers at 11 million to try and calm fears among the populace but we know the total is closer to 30 million. More importantly, they cheer on Obama with their falsified coverage that amnesty, with “full control of the border to come later” is the only humane wave we solve this dilemma.

“No one is actually thinking about sending the illegals already here home,” is the same basic cry that even conservative politicians make.

This is a nation that put a man on the moon and fought two wars simultaneously against the greatest military powers in history, but they figure they can just goose-step back to our native lands. Ya just gotta love Americans for their naïve stupidity. OF COURSE THEY COULD EXPEL US IF THEY WANTED TO.

Even conservatives bleat that native Americans would never “stand” for the sight of hundreds of thousands of illegals, mostly Hispanics, being forced back over the border.

Just be glad American’s political class feels that, and I know deep in my bones Americans as a whole would applaud that spectacle.
The president knows that amnesty is the overriding goal of nearly every Hispanic voter in the United States because all of them have at least one illegal relative already in the country and dozens more on the way.

Hispanic voters focus on this issue like a laser beam, to quote another president disposed towards we illegals, Bill Clinton. They have all become energized by the Arizona law, especially the thought that more illegals can’t shay-say across the border any time they want.
The true fact is that even Hispanics born in the U.S. feel born bonds towards their Latin American nations than they do towards the USA, as they should, as current and former ASSI members, also composed of illegal Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and even few wayward Brits, Irishmen and Aussies.

They support ASSI’s goal of shredding the U.S. border forever and devouring America with a swarm of tens of millions of more illegals, and, tee-hee, foolish citizens still don’t see this.
The number of Hispanic voters is growing by leaps and bounds and hundreds of thousands of illegals find a pathway to citizenship every four years. The latest estimate is that 30% more Hispanic voters were eligible to vote in 2008 than in 2004, and with nearly 70% voting Democrat, accounting for much of Obama’s victory.

Obama can count on gaining 97% of the African-American vote in 2012 no matter what he does or how far down the pathway to financial and economic chaos he drags the country.
Independent, mostly white voters are deserting the president in droves, however. He split them 50-50 with John McCain in 2008. How does Obama make up the difference of a drop in independents? Easy, by churning up Hispanic voters, and if possible, getting amnesty by 2012 for tens of millions of illegals, mostly Hispanic but 95% of whom will vote for Obama out of gratitude, assuring his reelection.

The fact is that economic matters influence white voters more than anything else. They’re angry over the way we illegals dance our way into the U.S. and grab all the benefits for minorities that they must pay for, but by the time that election day rolls around, that anger will fade compared to concern over their growing economic weakness.

President Obama has plans to announce a multitude of initiatives to boost the economy and blame the Republicans for halting their passage, even though Democrats still control both houses of Congress. He plans to confuse enough independents to reach towards that 50% mark he hit in 2008.

He knows he can’t reach it, but Hispanics should make up the difference.

Hispanics won’t forget that it was Republicans who pushed through the Arizona law, but it will be only a hazy memory to whites. These whites, after all, forgot soon enough that it was Sen. Kennedy who ram-rodded through the immigration reform in the 1970s that opened the floodgates to legal immigration from Asia, Latin America and Africa, thereby lifting the gates to all of we illegals.

Both white and black voters don’t even remember the promises that Kennedy, made that his bill would NEVER, NEVER change the racial composition of America that was about 85% white, 10% black and 5% Hispanic, native American and others.

Now we Hispanics make up the major minority population, leaving the blacks scratching their heads. Whites also look around, see they will soon be a minority themselves, and can’t figure out how it happened.

Do, don’t sweat the anti-illegal hysteria, folks. It’s already too late.

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