Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shout Out to All Illegals - VOTE EARLY! VOTE OFTEN!

Election Day is Coming!

Alert to All Illegals - You Must Go to the Polls!

Then, if you have followed our previous advice, all of you dear members of the American Secret Society of Illegals, you have all registered at least 10 times, and hopefully, 20. You have also encouraged all of your illegal friends and family members to do likewise.

The previous advice made this an easy process for you, and now you must get out there and ... music please ...............................


You will be as happy as this gentleman, an honored member of ASSI.

Of course, you must all vote for Obama.

We know that John McCain will equally support amnesty for all illegals as long as we, 'wink, wink,' promise to let the government close the borders, and we halt our relatives from joining us.

But ASSI firmly believes that Barack Obama, combined with an overpowering majority in both Houses of Congress, will open the floodgates to illegals, grant more amnesties every year, and fast-track us all to citizenship, because they know that 99% of us will vote Democratic.

If anyone analyzes the vote of people who were citizens of the USA in 1965 and their descendants, they will have voted overwhelmingly Republican.

That was the year, of course, that the last overwhelmingly Democratic Congress, along with Dem Prez Lyndon Baines Johnson, passed the immigration reform law that actually discriminated against immigrants from Europe and open the frontiers to folks from Asia, Africa and Latin America, and allowed all of them, for the first time, to bring in their moms and pops, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts and even first and second cousins.


We all know where post-1965 citizens go to vote, as this photo shows.

Our future is secure!

We want to emphasize the importance of all ASSI members calling their friends and family members between now and election day and getting them out to vote the minimum 10 days.

Vote early, so we can watch those fool Americans line up in two-hour queues on Election Day, so proud of casting their one miserable vote, so trusting that all of their fellow Americans and illegal neighbors would never think of voting more than once.

Of course, if we don't get our way, here is what we'll do to the Americans !

We will be posting information immediately after Barack's election is official on how we will start re-organizing the country once we become the majority, and what we will do with the remnants of the old Americans.

We have only to thank their own ignorance that none of them remember what Ben Franklin told a woman, when she asked him what the members of the Constitutional Assembly had given them, after they had completed writing the document but before the issued it to the states and the general republic.

"We've given you a republic, Ma'am ... if you can keep it!"

Well, it will have lasted 230 years or so ... That's long enough,


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