Saturday, July 16, 2011

Indian Illegals Surge Through Mexican Route

AP: U.S. Border Patrol sector chief Rosendo Hinojosa is interviewed at the patrol station, Tuesday, June 7, 2011 in Edinburg, Texas. Between October 2009 and March 2011, U.S. Border Patrol detained at least 2,600 illegal immigrants from India, a dramatic spike considering apprehensions of Indian border-jumpers had historically hovered between 150 and 300 per year. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

ASSI Plan to Enlarge Illegal Pipeline with Non-Hispanics Via Mexico Succeeds with Surge from India

Great Victory for Our Outreach Program,
U.S. Media Reports

We at the American Secret Society of Illegals are a humble group, as all readers of our blog know, not comfortable with trumpheting our many successes.

We claim credit for assisting or guiding only about 97% of the illegals who enter the United States annually, via our guidebook available on Amazon only to non-Americana, The Official Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants, or from our wide array of reasonably priced downloadable guides, webinars and Youtube instructional videos.

We were nonetheless heartened this week to find media confirmation that one of our newest outreach programs to take available of greater room on the Mexican infiltration groups, because of downturn in Hispanic illegal traffic, has quickly paid off.

"Police wearing berets and bulletproof vests broke down the door of a Guatemala City apartment in February hunting for illegal drugs. Instead, they found a different kind of illicit shipment: 27 immigrants from India packed into two locked rooms.

The Indians, whose hiding space was furnished only with soiled mattresses, claimed to be on vacation. But authorities quickly concluded they were waiting to be smuggled into the United States via an 11,000-mile pipeline of human cargo -- the same network that has transported thousands of illegal immigrants from India, through Central America and Mexico and over the sandy banks of the Rio Grande during the past two years.

Indians have arrived in droves even as the overall number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. has dropped dramatically, in large part because of the sluggish American economy. And with fewer Mexicans and Central Americans crossing the border, smugglers are eager for more "high-value cargo" like Indians, some of whom are willing to pay more than $20,000 for the journey."

Wonderful, Wonderful!!!

You can read the entire story on

ASSI, at great response from a successful fundraising efforts among our loyal members eager to assist us in expanding illegal growth in the U.S., opened a special office in India in 2010 to make Indians aware that, despite the great distances involved, they too could enter the U.S. without visas from the relatively porous Mexican border route.

Though many Indians immigrants have legally entered the United States over the past 20 years, we were concerned that they composed such a small minority of illegals, given as they are the second largest country in the world, population wise.

Distance itself was not a barrier. China has long vied with Mexico as the top source of illegals flooding into the U.S. to help with our ultimate goal of overwhelming the "Natural Borns" with illegals worldwide, put the country back on a more stable course, and send the "Natural Borns" back where they came from, as they make terrible servants.

We emphasized two main attractions for potential Indian illegals - educating them that as soon as they arrived on U.S. shores, the would officially enjoy "minority" status, which would open up to them a vast array of social and financial programs that Natural Borns have to pay for.

Of course, the original programs to help minorities were directed at only two groups: African Americans, whose ancestors were dragged in chains to America into slavery, and then discriminated for an additional 100 years with Jim Crow laws, and so called Native Americans (the correct sociological/scientific term for this group is "Injuns"), who were systematically eliminated from their ancient sway over all of North America.

Natural Borns, after too long a time, reached a consensus that they had to redress historical wrongs with many programs directed these two groups, the original "minorities."

Liberal reform of the immigration process by our dearest friend the late Ted Kennedy opened Ameria's doors to large numbers of legal immigrants from Latin America, Asia, African and the Middle East. Kennedy promised the nation that his reforms would not change the basic racial and ethnic makeup of the United States, but he knew precisely what he was doing.

This legals gave the much greater illegals who quickly followed a safe sea to swim in, get legal status illegally (political asylum anyone?), then bring in dozens of relatives.

All of these immigrants, legal and illegal, quickly claimed the same minority benefits that blacks and Native Americans deserved for 400 to 500 hundred years of pretty wretched treatment.

Confused American do-gooders had no idea how to react when dozens of other minorities quickly claimed those rights, though their ancestors never suffered here.

We also told the Indians of India that they might, wink wink, simply write in "Indian" as their racial identification, and ill-educated U.S. bureaucrats would by default offer them Native American benefits, quite a nice little package.

ASSI is already working to point out the advantages of illegal immigration to many other countries, using the Mexican Route, in our campaign:
"Enjoy Some Fun and Enter the U.S. the Easy Way!"

By Juan Muhammed Kim
Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegals
1601 Pennsylvania Av. NW # 501
Washington DC 2001

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