Sunday, July 17, 2011

Police Arrest 7 Illegal Student Activist-Release Them All

It Pays to Be An ASSI Member
ICE Doesn't Dare Move on 7 Protestors

Dear members of American Secret Society of Illegals,

We have often encouraged you to "get out there" among the leaders and "Natural Borns" to make your outrage known about the federal government's refusal to grant us blanket amnesty.

We told you that U.S. society is too crippled morality to go after any of us. Well, on July 14, seven students at University of Berkeley staged a protest to demand amnesty.

Silicon Valley Mercury News:

"A UC Berkeley student senator and six other illegal immigrant students arrested at a San Bernardino rally Tuesday were released from custody early Wednesday without triggering a hold from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Friends were concerned the arrest of Cal political science student Ju Hong, 21, a graduate of Alameda High School, would trigger his deportation. Hong has lived in the East Bay since his family brought him here on a tourist visa from South Korea when he was 11.

Through the federal Secure Communities program, which has been implemented in all of California's counties, anyone arrested and booked in a county jail gets fingerprints sent to a federal database monitored by ICE agents."

See, fellow ASSI members: Nothing happened to these students at all . . . and nothing ever will.

As we point in an upcoming revision of the "The Secret Handbook for Illegal Immigrants," expected to released on Kindle in August, the United States is the only country in the world where illegals can flaunt authority and never get deported.

We're not talking about cases where an illegal is arrested, ICE discovers the suspect is illegal, but waves him away. No, we have growing numbers of young illegals who are "coming out" of the closet and announcing their illegal status.

The clever idea that these students have taken, and we wish ASSI would have thought of it first, is that they are simply innocent victims as their parents or other adult relatives took them to the United States at an early age, and therefore they shouldn't have to pay the price of being illegal.

Brilliant! It plays up to the moral ambiguity of the American psyche, especially exposing the jelly-like spine of the liberal.

Pray for an Obama re-election victory! If he does win again, we are going to mount a tremendous national campaign, financed in large part by Democrats, to demand amnesty for all illegals currently in the United States.

Just as our leaders did back in the 1986 national amnesty of President Reagan, we leaders from countries will solemnly promise to halt support for any future illegals and send word back home that no others will be able to slip invisibly in the sea of illegal and legal immigrants.

Of course, we'll break that vow immediately!!

Remember, it is not too early to start signing up to vote right now for the 2012 election, and by that, we means in as many polling places as possible, or as many times within on polling station.

Democrats have generally succeeded in halting the spread of states that require voter I.D. in order to cast ballots, so that it is important that you register as often as possible, especially in these months far before the election where monitoring is practically non-existent.

Thank you,

Dr. Juan Muhammed Kim, executive director

American Secret Society of Illegals

ICE agents interviewed the students, but did not file detainers against them, ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said in an emailed statement.

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