Monday, July 21, 2008

American Perfidity

The Consequences of American Genocide
What Are We to Do Next

By Juan Muhammed Kim, Esq.
Executive Director
American Secret Society of Illegal Immigrants (ASSI)

Americans think they have a very strong argument in denying unlimited illegal immigration into their supposed country. But do they really?

The argument can be made, and should be made, that the early Americans were far more genocidal than their imperialist counterparts in Africa and Asia.

That is, perhaps 90% of American Native Americans died in the first 100 years after the appearance of Europeans in the New World.

Now, Americans try to ascribe a benign cause to this wholesale slaughter of Native Americans -- that the Native Americans, cut off from interaction for 30,000 years or more with the rest of humanity, did not have the resistance against simple European diseases such as measles that hardly affected Europeans but cut through Native Americans like a sweat-soaked machete.

Studying the history of European imperialism in Africa and Asia, however, so don't read anything about the Europeans offering rewards for scalps of the natives as in the New World.

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