Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Illegals Prepare for Deportation - Leave Children Behind

MESSAGE FROM ASSI: Oh, dear fellow illegals. Let us all weep over the fact that we have arrived at this point in America when ICE is actually deporting parents of legal American citizens, so called anchor-babies their illegal parents hoped to provide a way to hang on in America.The United States is one of the few countries that confer citizenship on the babies of illegal immigrants. We can only thank that Americans are too dumb never to question this law, which they could simply change by a law passed in Congress.Thankfully, our liberal allies in Congress would never permit such a law, knowing that we illegals vote overwhelmingly Democrat.In Mexico, a child born of two Americans could never achieve Mexican citizenship, yet the Mexican government demands that parents of such U.S.-born children be permitted to stay to raise them.Why not “take them home?” Note in story that all illegals are making arrangements to leave their children, even babies, behind in case they get deported. To give them a change at the American dream? NO!!!! So lawyers can petition to have the parents authorized to emigrate legally to the United States as parents of U.S. citizens. The parents care not a wit of the mental damage being left behind can cause their children. They are useful as a legal lifeline. What a country!

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